How My Donation Helps
Helping them through the journey.
Any amount helps!
We have 4 levels of Donating available. Why donate? Donations will drive our movement to reach locations far and wide. A $1,200.00 charitable donations will allow for 10 Yoga Studios to become a part of the Living Tree Yoga Movement. We will be hosting quarterly events to raise awareness of the healing benefits yoga has to offer those who are facing a trying time. Every Root Sponsor will be recognized at our events and publications.
Please consider extending a branch of
Strength for $200
Hope $400
Compassion $800
Love 1200
All sponsorship contributions are tax-deductible. Through our 501 C3 Organization: Living Tree Yoga
EIN: 47-3398736
Tax Write Off
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Help Sponsor Your Local Yoga Studio With Your $120 Sponsorship
Helping People Endure The Season of Cancer in Thier Lives.